Hello and Welcome

I’m Calvin Wilson…….Founder and CEO of The Breakthrough System. I am also Your Guide From Beginning to End, so you will be seeing a lot of me over the next two months.

I want to WELCOME YOU to The Breakthrough System, because I know personally how much courage it takes when you are trying to turn things around as fast as possible, but still have so much fear, doubt and frustration that you can finally get what you want and live the way you’ve always wanted to for the rest of your life.

You’ve taken a BIG STEP TODAY — and I believe, “YES”, you can Get Unstuck, Live Unstuck Permanently and Get Everything You Want Right Now and in the Future.

No More Excuses, Waiting or Hoping – we are into action until everything is changed the way you want it to be in under 8 weeks.

Why Listen to Me?

I grew up in New York City, first in my family to graduate college, got a few great jobs and thought I was on my way to big life – until…my drinking and partying became my priority; until I lost every job due to my drinking, until my family broke up, until I was dead broke, until I felt fully defeated and became emotionally paralyzed for many years. I tried everything, probably the same as you to not take responsibility for being stuck. “These Things Were Happening to Me, But None Of It Was My Fault.”

"I Probably Was Stuck Much Longer Than You"

You might be thinking – yea, most of those things you’re saying about being stuck are true, but why should I listen to you? Let me explain, not only how I know what I know, but why I’m on your side. 

I know your situation, because like you, I too was stuck; super stuck – in the same self-defeating, demoralizing ways. I felt everything you are feeling right now and went through my own living hell being stuck – same as you. 



Picture of Calvin Wilson
Calvin Wilson, Founder and CEO of The Breakthrough System
Woman Crouching Outside

Complete Collapse

I tried everything, probably the same as you, to not take responsibility for being stuck. I Tried to Hide Behind Drinking, Sex, Lies, Excuses, Rationalizations, Distractions, Work, Bad Relationships, Food, Dependency, Co-Dependence, Food, Exercise — Anything to Not Look At My Life Honestly, What Was Happening to Me and My Role In It. 

It was painful to learn that it was me, who kept making the same choices, which got me stuck. And it was also me that was pushing the buttons and pulling the levers to keep me stuck, even when I didn’t want to be stuck anymore. 


I eventually went from stuck to collapse – and I thought it was the end for me – really. I was suffering and slowly realized that to save my life that I needed to change, and just like anyone else coming out of a long-term haze, I thought that I could just push a button and fix everything. I quickly learned that I couldn’t change things in a flash and things got worse before they got better, which made feel hopeless, almost like a hostage within a mess of my own doing.



From Desperation to Transformation

Like anyone else feeling defeated, powerless, ashamed and desperate, I was terrified to reach out for help. But I did, and I tell you no lie – it saved my life.  I found people who understood my issues specifically, because they also had them at one time themselves and they were receptive to showing me how they got healthy, happy and the lives they’ve always wanted. They showed me how they got unstuck and learned to live unstuck. 

I was encouraged by them to go to support groups and I did; find a therapist and I did; go to seminars about personal development and I did; read as much as I could about my conditions and I did, and to talk with as many people, who were at one time, stuck themselves – and who were now healthy, happy and successful – and I did. 


I learned to combine the different pieces of all those support areas into one powerful tool to help me get unstuck, and I customized my own stuck-to-unstuck principles and system, and I have been using it ever since to stay unstuck. I was hoping that with my new system – it wouldn’t take me years to get unstuck – only a few months. I don’t know about you, but a years-long process to get unstuck, seemed like a new kind of stuck to me.


I needed to get unstuck in the easiest, fastest, yet most powerful and lasting ways – so when I couldn’t find all that I needed from others – – I created it for myself.

The perfect system didn’t happen for me overnight, but after a short time experimenting – I had it. My “Breakthrough System” helped me get sober, healthier, happier, freer debt-free, accomplished and solely focused on my new future.


Why Am I Doing This?

Because I know intimately and painfully from my own experiences, how hard it is to change your life – to change your thinking — to even take your first small step forward, even when you know you should — even when you know how to do it, but for some reason or another — still don’t do it

The Breakthrough System was built to counter your long-term doubt and paralysis, so you can finally DO WHAT YOU MUST, TO GET WHAT YOU WANT.

I built The Breakthrough System to help you get unstuck and start working on your dream life. I’m helping you, because so many people helped me when I was at my lowest point, and they were willing to share their experiences, their love and their support for me to get sober, free, empowered and successful.

And I thought about my experience on the stuck side and now on the unstuck side, and I wanted to close the gaps that people like you and I fall through when trying to go from stuck to unstuck….so I built a step-by-step system to do it effectively, easily and quickly, and after you’ve completed the system — your beliefs, behaviors and actions are in full alignment to help you Live the Way You Want to and Get What You Want as fast as possible.

I don’t need to know everything about you , but I do know this one thing almost better than anyone in the world how to go from stuck to unstuck super fast. I have now moved into this work full-time, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Three Dice with the Word "Why" spelled out.
Breakthrough System Product Box

I’m Not A Coach,
Just Someone Who Got Stuck and Found A Perfect Way to Fix It

I know The Breakthrough System feels like a coaching program, but it’s not, and I’m not a coach. I wanted to develop something that you do 100% on your own quickly and successfully, and these tools would be permanent as long as you utilized them

I know there are so many Life Coaches, Mental Coaches and Performance Coaches…and I believe most offer real support to so many of us. But I didn’t want to do that — and still don’t. I didn’t get healthy, happy and working on my dream life to exchange one job for another one.

I didn’t know it at the time when I was building The Breakthrough System, that I what I really wanted was the freedom to be who I wanted to be, do as I wanted to do and live the way I always wanted to live for the rest of my life.

And now, that’s exactly the way I live. I built the system to help you help yourself, wherever you are right now and to help you no matter what you are going through right now, SO YOU CAN NOW EMERGE FROM BEING STUCK AND GET TO YOUR DREAM LIFE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE — SAME AS ME.

NO Selling, NO Marketing – – That’s Not This

As you’ve probably already found out, The Breakthrough System is not free. YOU PAY FOR IT “ONE TIME” and YOU’RE DONE FOREVER.

You get the lifetime value of the beliefs, behaviors and actions that first SET YOU UP and then SET YOU FREE TO “BREAKTHROUGH” for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Look at it this way…… either you want to get unstuck and start working on your dream life as fast as possible or you don’t? If I need to sell you that — then you’re not ready or a good fit for The Breakthrough System.

My expertise is helping people just like you, just like I once was, GO FROM STUCK TO UNSTUCK IN THER PERSONAL, RELATIONSHIP OR CAREER ISSUES OR THEY JUST HAVE BEEN WANTING TO MAKE A BIG CHANGE FOR A LONG TIME AND NEEED SOME HELP TO DO IT, and have come to the conclusion that they need a Clear, Proven and Transformational Roadmap to Go From Stuck to Unstuck As Fast As Possible.

You and I Share A Painful Story
and Now Full Victory

The Breakthrough System was built out of the desperate act to save my life — and you will never know how close I was to losing it. 

But I’m here and glad for it, because I’m now having a fantastic time living my dream life, and if you’re stuck right now and want your dream life too — and WANT IT RIGHT NOWThe Breakthrough System will help you Get Unstuck, Give You Steps to Live Unstuck and A Roadmap Start Living Your Dream Life in 2 Months or less — that’s what it gives you.

The Words "Thank You"

Thank You for Letting Me Share My Story With You

I know you’re getting to know me, but I am really a private person and always have been. I’m not necessarily comfortable revealing myself or making myself purposefully vulnerable to scrutiny or criticism from others, especially about such a painful part of my life, but that’s part of the growth and the transformation necessary for my new life — my dream life. 

This is not about buying cars and stuff, which is still great….. but this is more about finally finding your voice and your place in the world — more about feeling great, living with intentionality, purpose,  passion and meaning, and taking the new steps every day to get your new life…..the same as I am doing every day as well. I’ll see you soon.

Thank you                                                                    Calvin