Are You Stuck?

Frustrated, Overwhelmed, Lonely, Trapped, Burned Out and Hopeless That THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE, NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY? Bad Health, Happiness, Relationships, Career and Future Because You're Stuck....


Does This Sound Like You

You want to make a "BIG CHANGE," but can’t seem to do it on your own. You keep telling yourself that THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT, but nothing ever happens.

It feels like a never-ending cycle. It makes you angry, withdrawn, exhausted and ready to give up. And worst, you feel like you’re going through it all by yourself without anyone seeming to notice or care. And you're frustrated and overwhelmed with doubt, because you’ve been living like this for a long time and don’t know how to fix it.

Man standing pensively against the wall

You’ve Hit the Wall

You’re really struggling to feel the right energy, happiness, focus and motivation to achieve your personal and professional goals. You keep trying to change things, only to slide back to the same place over and over every time.

Feeling overwhelmed by fear, uncertainty and indecision, but too exhausted and disinterested to do anything about it. YOU'VE HIT THE WALL...always being pushed back to being stuck and you don’t want to feel like this or live like this anymore.

Nothing Works,
No Matter How Hard You Try

You have tried to find the right answers and the right approach to finally fix this issue on your own, but every time you end up right back at the beginning, frustrated and demoralized – ready to blow up again and then quit again - like always, and it’s been this way for for so long that it feels impossible to get what you really want and live the way you want.

Are You stuck

DO YOU FEEL STUCK? Feel like it’s always going to be like this – like nothing will ever change. Like it’s never going to get better, no matter what you do?

Every day always feels the same – holding on by your fingernails. You don’t want to be bothered by anyone – about anything. Ready to blow up at the smallest thing, and still no plan to change how you feel or change what you are doing that keeps you stuck.

Stuck professional woman
Man sitting with face in hands

Stuck Hurts

Stuck feels like you are constantly being controlled by doubt, insecurity, hyper-sensitivity, misunderstanding, resentment, numbness, and it eventually forces you into anger, blame, shame, panic and collapse.

Stuck compels you to neglect your most basic needs and applies intense pressure to your personal life by making you withdraw from family, friends, colleagues and other interests. Stuck makes you drift spiritually, emotionally and mentally, and reduces your energy, inspiration and willingness to work on the meaningful and fun areas of your life.

Sometimes, stuck makes drinking, drugs and abuse seem like the only alternatives to get away from those hopelessly stuck feelings. And stuck can cause headaches, anxiety and depression – even unexplained pain.

Does this sound like you now?

Sneaky and Shocking

The shocking, sneakiest and most harmful part of being stuck – is the tradeoffs you don’t see, but are forced to make when you are stuck.

The deal you made goes like this...STUCK WON'T KILL YOU, BUT YOU CAN'T BE FREE, HAPPY or SUCCESSFUL EITHER. You only get the suffering and isolation of a life that is quietly slipping away from you a little more every day.

Stuck only gives you the super small, once in a while good stuff, but always gives you all the big pieces of the bad stuff – it’s part of the invisible deal you made to be stuck. You have to give up all the good stuff that makes life worthwhile and feel good, and most of all – you have to give up making any type of significant or sustained progress within your life.

Stuck Breaks Trust With Your Head and Heart –
It Breaks Trust With Your Dreams.

You might not recognize it, but you’re giving up a hell of a lot to stay stuck, and most people not only get stuck, they spiritually, emotionally, mentally and sometimes, physically, die stuck as well.

Stuck in Stuck

If you’re still reading this, and believe you are stuck, but still surprised that you didn’t notice how stuck you really are or realize how much harm it’s doing to you every day, then you’re already in the middle-area of being stuck.

If you’re in the middle, it’s denial that has you there. THE MIDDLE IS THE WORST PLACE TO BE STUCK.

Not feeling bad enough to make the necessary changes to get unstuck, yet not having enough motivation, courage and ambition to fight for the change to get unstuck – so you do nothing and stay stuck for much longer than you are supposed to.

You know you’re stuck in the middle if it feels like an endless loop; time passes by unnoticed and unaccounted for — blurred days, whizzing by where you are doing the same things over and over and not getting the results you want. So much time wasted, all those yesterdays never planned for, never fought for — quietly gone forever.

Mother overwhelmed by her children
Woman crying

I Know What You Want

You Want the "PAIN TO STOP" and Your "NEW LIFE TO START"

You want the insecurities, blasts of anger, blaming, self-loathing, isolation and desperation to stop. To stop living through resentments, disappointment and failure. Stop staying in the same place, doing the same things and getting the same unwanted results.

You want the pain to stop – right now and for good.

You’re Thinking…… I Can’t Get Unstuck

I can almost hear your thoughts about getting unstuck; I’ve tried everything. Really – I have tried to get unstuck so many times already that I can’t keep count, but it never works and I’m tired of trying.

You’ve meditated, worked harder, worked less, become less engaged, more engaged, found a higher power, left religion, went vegan, cut everyone off, joined support groups, left the relationship, found a new relationship, left your old job, got a new job, etc.

I know – I get it, but being stuck is not just
about what you do to get unstuck......

Stuck is always about how you feel about yourself and how you got that way, which makes you do what you do – and makes you either fight through being stuck or collapse because of it.

It’s An Inside Job

You may know this or not, but you’re not stuck, because of how little money you have, or the job that is driving you crazy or the relationship that you can’t seem to stay in or get out of.

You’re stuck, because your inside feelings don’t match your outside ambitions. Being stuck is an inside thing that affects all your outside thinking and behaviors, not the other way around.

You’re stuck, because of past feelings or events that made you feel vulnerable or powerless. You’ve lived with this frustration, doubt and fear for a long time, which makes you hold on to being stuck and make decisions in ways that you cannot always see clearly for yourself, so you never correct it.

You’re not going to believe this, but you’re probably more comfortable being stuck right now than being unstuck for two reasons; first, you’ve accepted and adjusted your life to being stuck to make the feelings and failures bearable.

Secondly, you might not want to admit it, but it feels like a safe space for you, as opposed to the uncertainty of making new and consistent changes, taking new risks and fighting to get unstuck.

Being stuck is an inside job and getting unstuck is also an inside job.

Professional black man rubbing his temples

Being Stuck is Not stopping you,
It's Your Beliefs, Behaviors and Actions

If you've been stuck for a long time, you believe that for whatever reason, that the world is titled against you, but in reality you are "REINFORCING YOUR STUCK LIFE" through your stuck beliefs, behaviors, habits and actions. STUCK IS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU, YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS, DECISIONS AND HABITS ARE DRIVING YOUR BEING STUCK IN WAYS THAT YOU CANNOT SEE.

Older professional woman rubbing her eyes

Being Stuck Is Not Your Enemy, "Time Is"

I know, reading this all – you’re thinking — YES….That’s ME – but I’ll come back tomorrow or I will do some more research or I will wait until the time is right to fix it — and you don’t realize that the biggest tradeoff your making is not health, happiness, love or money – it’s TIME.


Trust Me.....You’ll Go Right Back

By now, you should know whether you are stuck or not, and whether you need help to get unstuck or not. There’s a good chance that even learning how stuck you might be, you will go right back to what you were doing before you read all of this.

There are 3 reasons, why you will go back: (1) You think that everything I said so far is B.S., a scam, and a waste of your time, potentially a waste of your money.

(2) You’re just not ready to confront this issue yet. You feel that you don’t have enough time to do it right now, or you have a health issue, or you are needed by family too much, or can’t get out of work obligations or other things – it’s just not the right time for you to get unstuck.

And lastly, (3) you want to get unstuck badly, feel ready to do it, and for the first time in a long time — the time is right, and you have decided to get unstuck and will commit to it. But the only problem is you don’t know how to do it by yourself? You’re still a little hesitant, because you’ve tried so many times before, only to end up in the same stuck place every time.

Yes, you want to get unstuck and but only need someone to help you get what you want and live the way you want, and you want the fastest and most simple way to do it now.

Surprising Statistics

A recent study of more than 14,600 people across 13 countries found that while people feel stuck in their personal and professional lives, they are ready to regain control of their futures.

A study by Oracle has found the majority of people feel lonely and disconnected and, following the pandemic, almost all now feel different about what defines their success.

80 percent of people have been negatively impacted by the last year, with many struggling financially (29 percent); suffering from declining mental health (28 percent); lacking career motivation (25 percent); and feeling disconnected from their own lives (23 percent).

People noted they have lost control over their futures (43 percent); personal lives (46 percent); careers (41 percent); and relationships (39 percent).

76 percent of people feel stuck in their personal lives, feeling anxiety about their future (31 percent); trapped in the same routine (27 percent); and more loneliness than ever before (26 percent).

88 percent said the meaning of success has changed for them since the pandemic, with work-life balance (42 percent); mental health (37 percent); and workplace flexibility (33 percent) now top priorities.

75 percent feel stuck professionally, because they don’t have growth opportunities to progress their career (25 percent) and are too overwhelmed to make any changes (22 percent).

70 percent of people say feeling stuck in their career has negatively impacted their personal lives as well by adding extra stress and anxiety (40 percent); contributing to feeling stuck personally (29 percent); and taking focus away from their personal lives (27 percent).

83 percent of people are ready to make a change, but 76 percent said they are facing major obstacles. The biggest hurdles include financial instability (22 percent); not knowing what career change makes sense for them (20 percent); not feeling confident enough to make a change (20 percent); and seeing no growth opportunities within the future. (20 percent).

infograph about stress
Man standing on mountain top with sun setting

It's For the 1%, not the 99%

I need to tell you something… The Breakthrough System will not work with everyone to get unstuck.

When I first created the system, I worked with anyone, who felt they were stuck and wanted to get unstuck. I learned quickly, that most of the people really did want to get unstuck, but for whatever reason, still would not make the personal investment and commitment to do so.

These people had the right intentions, but would not commit – so when it was time to start the system – they would disappear or they would make excuses not to start right now. Hey, to each is own – but it cost me so much time and resources of my own.

I think it’s now best to set the correct expectations, so that you can quickly identify if you’re a fit for what I’m offering and that you will commit from start to end to get unstuck. The Breakthrough System is specifically for people, who have been stuck for more than 6-months or much longer, and need the fastest and most permanent way to get unstuck. But more than anything – this is for people, who have decided it’s time to GET UNSTUCK NOW, they are ready to go and are willing to do the necessary work to get unstuck and get what you want.

If that’s you – then great, keep reading. But if not, this is probably a good place to stop reading about getting unstuck, at least for now and move on to your next thing.

Do We Agree With Each Other

For the sake of time and to make sure we both have the right fit for you, if you don’t believe you have any of the stuck characteristics I mentioned to this point, then again, as I just stated a little earlier, you should stop here, this is not for you – I apologize.

I’m only focused on those people, who believe they have most or all of these things causing different types of disruptions in their lives forcing them to feel, live and work stuck. For those people, who feel they’ve been stuck too long, and that’s it’s urgent and necessary to find out why and to finally fix it, and start living through the happiness, freedom, engagement, productivity and prosperity you’ve always wanted for yourself.

Now You Know

For some of you, I’m very sorry I showed you all of this about being stuck, because some of it had to be uncomfortable, even painful, but for others, who really want to get unstuck now, I bet that you’re somewhat grateful that your feelings of being stuck were crystallized and validated.
I either just messed things up for you by offering an unsolicited reminder that you are stuck, have been stuck for a long time and probably will continue to be stuck, or I’ve just started you on your journey to living unstuck and achieving your dream life.

Now that you know you are stuck – it either becomes more miserable living with it, because you don’t plan to do anything to fix it or it forces you to do whatever you must to finally come out of it.

Neon Sign
The Breakthrough System Product Box

Yes, You Can Get Unstuck

Yes, you can get unstuck, in a simple and quick way, and The Breakthrough System will take you step-by-step to do it in 2 months or less.

Do it Now or Keep Waiting

I guess the big question is, do you want to get unstuck and how bad?

Here are a few questions to guide your decision:

Half face of young woman with blue eyes

Who’s This For/Not For

You Don’t Know Me, So Why Trust Me

Let me tell you, after reading this short section of why I’m the perfect person to create and deliver the system to you, and if you don’t feel it’s a very good fit – then it’s not for you. I created this system out of having world-class potential, but addiction, dysfunction, isolation and other things brought me to my knees.

I’m not a professor, I’m a patient, who in my opinion, has now became the best expert in the world at helping other people go from stuck-to-unstuck, whether for health, happiness, relationship or professional issues. The way you got stuck might be different from me and most other people, depending on your past and current conditions, but the way “Up, Out and Through,” is EXACTLY THE SAME FOR ALL OF US — yes, you can get unstuck right now I know it for sure.

what our clients says

Join Our Private
"Facebook Breakthrough Tribe"

Join the Breakthrough Tribe Mastermind Facebook Group to talk about your Stuck-to-Unstuck journey, Problem Solve to Get Unstuck for Yourself and to Help Others Celebrate Overcoming being stuck.

Solve Old Issues and Gain New Victories, and Start Pushing Hard and Breaking Through to your DREAM LIFE with a community that is also trying to Get Unstuck, Live Unstuck and Live Through Their Dream Lives — same as YOU.

Laptop computer open to Facebook page
Multiple people using the computer

A Push Button System

The Breakthrough System is a Do-It-Yourself, work at your own pace and customizable designed system.

Once registered, you can immediately begin The Breakthrough System. I will provide instructions to get started and instructions for each section of the system all the way to the end.

You can use the system on your computer, tablet or phone – at home, during lunch at work, during the commute home (if not driving) or just when you have free time.

It’s super convenient, fast and powerful. You can start it immediately and the best part, it changes your life quickly and lasts your entire lifetime.

How Can The Breakthrough System
Help Someone Like Me

I am glad that you asked – because this powerful, fast, yet simple system will create a clear and precise roadmap for you to get unstuck, live unstuck and get what you want Introduction: Get Clear, Get Ready, Get Going, Get Unstuck and Get What You Want

Get Clear

Identify and Understand Why You're Stuck

Get Ready

Full preparation to get unstuck as fast as possible, as permanently as possible.

Get Going

Taking the first real and actionable steps to get unstuck.

Get Unstuck

Get unstuck and learn to live unstuck fully and permanently.

Get What You Want

Staying focused on improving your unstuck life, while pushing hard into exchanging your old life for your dream life.

Easy and Fast Designed For You

Recently talking to a few people, who think they might be stuck – I quickly recognized that they all wanted fast solutions to weight loss, to get their relationships back on track, to double their incomes, and some, just want to be happy and that’s it. But most of them, if not all, wanted a quick fix, where they didn’t have to provide any effort or sacrifice to make the changes to get unstuck.

Sounds exactly like me, many years ago – but, it’s the same behavior that kept me stuck for a very long time. Quite honestly, I don’t believe in magic pills, spells, potions or tonics – I don’t offer a quick fix for anything. I want to be clear – I don’t help to fix your relationship, or help you interview for a new job or run those miles with you to get the weight off – I can’t help with areas outside of my own control.

I help you make the mental, emotional and behavioral shifts to achieve those things on your own, and make them permanent foundations to live the way you really want to live.  I focus on helping you identify and then incorporate the best strategies, steps and activities most aligned with your goal of getting unstuck. In essence, I help you create clarity, consistency and progress immediately to start the future you want.

I don’t know what else my Breakthrough System will fix for you, but I do believe that if you invest in yourself and finish the system – you will get an exceptional roadmap to help you get unstuck. The system is super easy to understand and follow, and the best part – you should be finished in 10 short weeks or less – done.

The Breakthrough System helps you stop the pain and worry – stop the self-sabotage and suffering. It will help you do the work to overcome all that shame, so you can focus on feeling great, doing meaningful and rewarding work, repairing relationships and having the freedom and opportunity to do what you want to do, when you want to do it – to finally live on your own terms.

I’m a big believer in AA, Therapy, Accountability Groups, Books, Seminars – and The Breakthrough System takes the most effective areas from each support area and combines them into one turbo charged, super powerful and customizable system to get unstuck and stay unstuck.

Hand holding illuminated lightbulb

A new Approach
To Solve Old Problems

The main issue that you have being stuck is that “YOU’RE TRYING TO GET TO THE NEW PLACE…….THE OLD WAY.” It’s almost impossible for you to get unstuck this way, because your HEAD, HEART, BEHAVIORS, HABITS AND ACTIONS are MISALIGNED to Give You What You Want….When You Want It….For As Long As You Want It. 

Each Section of The Breakthrough System is designed to  give you New Insights, New Beliefs, New Habits and A New Roadmap to Get Unstuck, Live Unstuck Freely and Permanently, Finally Get What You Want and Live Your Dream Life For the Rest of Your Life.


Group of people during team building exercise

You Didn’t Know This,
But I Got You Covered

You will not know this – but there are two separate parts to getting unstuck. Your focus, of course, is going from stuck to unstuck, which is the first part and probably the easiest and fastest part of getting unstuck. It’s the second part, STAYING UNSTUCK, where most people get into trouble. The process to get unstuck is clear and can be accelerated, depending on how fast you need to do it, but trying to stay unstuck is where people either transform to a new life or go right back to being stuck again.

That’s where The Breakthrough System is so effective. First, it helps you consider the necessary adjustments to get unstuck, and then it helps you build a quick, but powerful framework to guide your future thinking, behaviors and choices, so you can stay unstuck and focus on getting what you want.

The Most Common Questions Asked

Taking a new approach in an old area

First, you will gain clarity about how to get unstuck. Then you will learn how to make the exchange from stuck beliefs, habits and actions to unstuck beliefs, habits and actions, and you will have a timeline and deadline to get unstuck and start working on your dream life. 

I am a survivor of excruciating addiction, personal trauma, family dysfunction, personal collapse and co-dependency. Therapy, Support Groups, Seminars, Books or Religion did not work for me on their own, so I took the most powerful elements from each of these areas and created The Breakthrough System. It might now possibly be the fastest and most effective way to get “permanently unstuck” no matter your current circumstances.  People from all over the world are now using it and improving their lives because of it. I believe I am now one of the best in the world at helping people, whether for personal, professional or prosperity goals get unstuck and get what they want quickly and permanently.

  1. Laser focused clarity about why you’re stuck, why you’ve stayed stuck for long and you’re role in it being that way.
  2. Learn to remove all the people, places and things keeping you stuck, and incorporate the areas that help you live unstuck permanently.
  3. Build and customize a roadmap to get unstuck in 2 months or less.
  4. Start feeling great, doing what you want to do and living the way you’ve always wanted to live. 

Nothing can happen without a leap of faith. Until you bet on yourself to turn things around right now and get the future you’ve always wanted, it can only exist in your head, but it cannot be real. And remember, stuck is not your enemy, time is…..every day you wait and hope, and don’t go into action, it’s another day of living stuck and not living in your dream life. That’s a hell of a high price to pay for the rest of your life.

Two men looking at charts and graphs on computer tablet

Immediate and Long-Term Results

  1. Get clear about being stuck and how to fix it, no matter your conditions or circumstances.
  2. Learn to exchange the stuck areas of your life for unstuck beliefs, behaviors and actions.
  3. A customizable master plan to get unstuck quickly and effectively.
  4. A precise into-action roadmap to get unstuck in 2 months or less.
  5. Begin working exclusively on your new life and then your dream life after 2 months.
  6. Full focus on new and better health, happiness, freedom, empowerment, prosperity and long-term success after 2 months.
  7. Feel the way you want to, do what you want to do when you want to do it and live the way you’ve always wanted for the rest of your life.

The System Will Work –
Even With Your Busy Life

The Breakthrough System is perfect in many regards for those people, JUST LIKE YOU, who have been stuck long-term and can’t find a way out of it. If you follow this exceptional and fast system – not only will you get unstuck, but you will be guided to your dream life. Keep reading and see how.

Busy intersection of cars

See the Full "How It Works" Video

Escalator going up

Your Next Steps

You’re probably now thinking about whether you are stuck, how bad it’s become for you and what to do about it. If you want to get unstuck now, I Know For A Fact The Breakthrough System can help you do it.

You can still be hesitant, even a little skeptical about your ability to get unstuck after all this time, but all you have to do is start – and the instructions and system will guide you step-by-step to new information and tools to get unstuck and get to your new life

The Other Side

You’ve often thought about the pain, suffering and missed opportunities you’ve endured being stuck. But most stuck people never think about what happens when you get unstuck; who would you be then – what would be happening with you then?

If you are on the stuck side right now – and then got unstuck, what would the unstuck side look like for you? Who would you be on the other side of being stuck?

Did you ever think what it’s going to be like when your thinking, emotions, behaviors and actions are all aligned to give you the freedom to do what you want and put your future in your own hands?

At the End of 8 Weeks

You did two things that people, who are stuck never do; you asked for help, and then you invested in yourself and your future by completing the system. At the end of 10 weeks, you’ll have a new toolkit and roadmap to make exceptional choices for your health, happiness, relationships and success. If you’ve went step-by-step, by 10 weeks, you should be close to going from stuck to fully unstuck.

Hopefully, you’ll start a process for self-care and create a new living model. By this time, you’ll have recognized and understood the needs that you’ve been neglecting, and now have the ability to identify your needs and meet them every day to live more confidently, courageously, honestly, freely and empowered.

After 10 weeks, you’ll have access to precise recommendations to incorporate new values, standards and clear priorities that push you past just being unstuck into a new life that you thought was impossible within your lifetime, but is now very close, real and permanent for you.

During the 10 weeks, you’ll notice that one of the BIG PAYOFFS of making it to the end is removing our self-limiting beliefs. You have lived through so much doubt, worry, fear and failure, and you will soon have new powerful tools, a phenomenal step-by-step plan and a clear pathway to overcome the old stuck areas to fully focus on your health, happiness, freedom, relationships and prosperity.

And most powerfully and lasting after 10 weeks – YOUR NEW FUTURE WILL START. Once you activate the steps and start making new choices within the old stuck conditions – your new life will start quickly and for real, and that’s amazing – especially coming from where you are now.

Tiled graphic spelling "The End"

Before the System

after The System

Keep Hoping and Waiting
or You’re Ready Right Now

Decide if you can still accept living stuck or do you need to change right now and live unstuck for the rest of your life.

Taking action right now to fix your life is crucial because change rarely happens on its own. Waiting and hoping for improvement can lead to missed opportunities and prolonged dissatisfaction. By actively engaging to Get Unstuck and Get What You Want, you seize control of your destiny, speed progress up, and create the life you want. Remember, your future is shaped by the choices and actions you take in the present. It's also shaped by the choices you don't make that affect the rest of your life.

The Breakthrough System is ready to help you get unstuck right now and you'll be rewarded every day for the rest of your life because of it.

Let me level with you – Change can feel uncertain, but if you commit then

Making a big change to get unstuck can feel challenging because it requires stepping out of your comfort zone and confronting ingrained habits and beliefs. However, by fully committing to The Breakthrough System process, you have the opportunity to transform your life both in the present and for the long term.

Embracing change opens doors to growth, fulfillment, and self-discovery, leading to a more meaningful and rewarding life that resonates with your true self. The investment you make today will definitely yield transformative benefits that ripple throughout your life's journey.

Professional Black man thinking in front of computer screen
Man holding a dollar bill in his hand

How Much does it Cost

As you’ve probably figured out, The Breakthrough System IS NOT FREE, BUT IT'S ALSO NOT EXPENSIVE. And it’s one of the only products in the world that -- you only pay for it one time and it significantly helps you for the rest of your life. 

To see the price — click the button and you’ll see that what you’re getting for what you’re spending — you’re Getting A Deal of A Lifetime. And if you REGISTER TODAY — You Get  A Super, Duper Big Bonus On The Price -- check it out for yourself.

7 Day Refund

Hey, let’s be honest, some people will say all the right things about it being the right time to get unstuck, but the old stuff will prove to powerful to overcome, and they retreat right back to the stuck place, because they’re not ready yet for the commitment, consistency and urgency of breakthrough. However, if you buy The Breakthrough System, and can demonstrate that if it’s not a good fit for you, then I will refund you fully within 7 days of purchase.

And Remember
Why You’re Here…….

If you really want to know the truth, you're not here for The Breakthrough System, the process or anything that you have to do to get're only here for the FINAL RESULTS YOU WANT -- and you want them fast, simple and forever -- and you want them right now, and that's what the system gives you -- so your new life can start right now.

Woman in deep thought with glasses in her hand
Woman holding illuminated umbrella at night

Lightening Fast Turnaround

If your tired of wanting to get unstuck, tired of waiting and hoping that it will happen, but never does – today can be your turnaround day; the day your breakthrough starts – the day your new life starts for real.

You can be out pain and doubt and into your new future starting today.

You can be out pain and doubt and into your new future starting today.

Wed, 3/20, 2:00 PM EDT webinar session is now in progress. Register now to join the in progress session.

I consent to receiving emails and/or text message reminders for this event.

Are You Ready Right Now?

If You’re Still Interested In Turning Your Life Around, I Will Be Presenting A FREE Webinar Detailing How The Breakthrough System Will Help You Go From Stuck To Unstuck In 8 Weeks Or Less. In The Video, You'll Quickly Find Out:

o   How You Probably Got Stuck?

o   Why You’ve Stayed Stuck For Long?

o   How Big This Issue Is For Yourself And Others?

o   The Terrible Direct And Indirect Effects Of Being Stuck.

o   Why It’s Been So Hard For You To Get Unstuck, Even Now?

o   What You’ve Been Doing Wrong To Get Unstuck?

o   How The Breakthrough System Can Help You Turn Things Around Fast And Forever.

My Promise to You

If you complete the system – you will get the insights to take ownership of your thinking, feelings and conditions to the point of creating new and powerful choices, conditions and possibilities for yourself. And once you start making the new choices and actions centerpieces of your new life – you can build the life you’ve always wanted – and that’s exciting.

I can’t promise that you will never feel stuck again, but I do believe that if you complete the system and continue to shift your beliefs, behaviors and conditions in the other direction towards being unstuck – that if you ever feel stuck again, you’ll have the perfect tools, processes and experiences to quickly overcome it and get right back on track again -- that's the LIFETIME GUARANTEE of The Breakthrough System -- whether you use it or not -- it will always be available for you to live your best life for the rest of your life.

If You’re Ready Right Now

I know I’ve said a lot – offered a lot of information, some parts you understand clearly, other areas you are still deciding if it will be helpful for you or not, and for some of you – you might say, the system costs more than I thought. That’s fair and I respect how you feel.

Remember, the Breakthrough System is doing three powerful things for you; (1) shutting down the uncertainty and pain from the past, (2) allowing you to restart right now and (3) unlocking and unleashing your future in the ways you want the most. However, I am only offering what got me unstuck and what I think will help you live the way you want to every day for the rest of your life. I built the system myself, tested it and made sure that it works exactly the way it’s supposed to every time. I know this, because I still live through it myself and not only has it never failed me, it rewards me every day in small and big ways -- and that's mine for the rest of my life -- and that can be yours too.

If you are ready right now to get unstuck – click the button and you can start today – start right now. Remember, it’s a Do-It-Yourself process – so it’s on your own time, at your own pace, but I want you to focus on finishing as fast as possible, so your new life can start as fast as possible. The instructions will guide you from registration to completion.

Smartphone with "Start Now" graphic showing on the screen

A New Approach to Old Problems

The main issue you have is that you’re trying to get to the new place……the old way? You are now misaligned to go from Stuck-to-Unstuck, because your head, heart, habits and actions are not aligned to give you what you want….as fast as you want it….as long as you want it.

Each section of The Breakthrough System are designed to give you clear insights, new beliefs and new steps to Get Unstuck, Live Unstuck Permanently and Finally Get What You Want and Live the Way You Want.

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